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Extreme slides

Extreme slides are fast slides that are so thrilling they make your stomach fly.

A Combination of both high speed speed and change in motion are 


These slides include: Free fall, Kamikaze, Mat racer and Pelican dive.


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These slides are very popular and provide users with a free falling sensation that makes them come for more.

Slide speed.png
sliding position 2.jpg
Skim out.jpg

Sliding speed: Extreme

Body slide

Optional: Skim out

Optional: End in pool

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ProAttractions4 small.png

Mat racer is a great slide for friends who want to slide together and race to the bottom.

You can add an electronic scoreboard to make things more interesting.

Slide speed.png
Skim out.jpg

Sliding speed: Fast - Very fast

Sliding with mats

Skim out

Optional: End in pool

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ProAttractions4 small.png

This is a very fun extreme slide. Users get a very fast and refreshing dive into a deep pool.

Notice:  This slide is intended only for people who can swim.

Slide speed.png

Sliding speed: Extreme

sliding position 2.jpg

Body slide


End in pool

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